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ESCADET⚔️0 🛡1 👟1 Entering the land of lines, you are astonished to find a world populated by slow moving snails. Each snail creates a perfect line trailing behind their paths but each of their lines differ in their qualities. Some lines are tapered while others are perfectly uniform. Some lines start with a round beginning or even with a square. Sometime the lines end in an oval shape or sharp like a point. Escadet, a short snail humanoid stands beneath your eye level, smiling and ready seemingly to teach you all about the way of the snail, lines and their properties. Looking at his snail shell you notice numerous beautful colors and shades all sorts of values of those colors. Taking notice, Escadet also offers to teach you about color pencil and shading. He warns you though with his tiny squeaky voice, “ I you are going to defeat Mega Snail, you have to take this first level slow and learn the virtue of humility.”
At this level we expect you to learn about the different properties that make up every single line. The first three you must learn are the opening, body, and resolution of a line. Next you must become aware of the weight of a line. Then there are several flaws that can occur in a line that we want to learn to avoid and also correct. Those are hatchy marks, peekaboos, lumps and gouges. We then will move on to color pencil techniques and learn about even fills, values, gradient shades, tandem fades, radial fades, and finally soft caps. Through a series of exercise sheets, along with the guidance of an Oam Studios teacher, you will be able to complete your first cartoon drawing. The subject matter is going to be pretty much your choice.
We are working hard on developing our video lessons for our curriculum. We will notify everyone once the lesson has been made. |
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Light Sketching • Foreground • Midground • Background • Depth by Repetition |
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Molluscar⚔️0 🛡2 👟3 The humming of an engine catches your attention. You turn to see a snail vehicle rolling up to you. It is heavily armored and driving it is Escadet! He is ready to teach you an even more ancient and powerful form of line quality that hails back to the ancient lands of China. These martial line techniques will help you to take on the sickened Mega Snail that is bringing turmoil to the land of lines. “The wash painting techniques I will now show you seem very simple, but the are quite difficult. It can take a life time to master, but I only expect you to do your best.” He then reveals to you four treasures. One is a bamboo brush made with the culm of a bamboo and the ear hairs of a white goat, the tail feathers of a black rabbit and the belly hairs of a yellow weasel. The second treasure is a silver lamp full of chunks of soot from the burning of fine silk and oils. The third is a inkstane or grinding stone made of an assortment of earthy clay, bronze lining, black iron and ivory porcelain. The fourth treasure he presents to you is seem of paper made of fresh mulberry tree pulp. He quits his eyes and says in a concentrated tone, “let us begin.”
Here we will be having an introductory lesson to Chinese wash painting which is an art form that has perfected line quality as well as subtle and dramatic shading techniques. In wash painting there are what are known as the four noblemen or also called the four gentlemen. These are represented by four plants and the mastery of each will teach the artist also every brushstroke for the perfection of chinese calligraphy. The four plants known as the four noblemen are bamboo, the plum blossom, the orchid, and the chrysanthemum. Each plant also represents virtues and behaviors that humans should exemplify. We will begin with learning about painting bamboo in the traditional method and then, perhaps move on to another of the remaining plants.
We are working hard on developing our video lessons for our curriculum. We will notify everyone once the lesson has been made. |
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The 4 Treasures • The 4 Gentlemen • Correct hand posture |
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Disastropod⚔️2🛡3 👟2 “Pow!” an explosion fires forth from the canon of a snail tank that Escadet is now driving. The projectile travels quickly in a perfectly straight line parallel to the earth beneath it with a streak of rainbow colored smoke following it. Rocks crumble under the tanks hefty wheels as it slowly crumbles the terrain under its massive weight. This mythic snail tank is your next level of line mastery that you must learn & escadet proceeds to explain as he shouts over the tanks rumbling engines. “You have learnt inking lines and their properties, you have managed to work your lines using the sacred bamboo brush and now you are ready to learn to paint lines using acrylic paint and script liner brushes. I will sho you how to make your an abstract painting called a broken color painting. In order to make a broken color painting, you must simplify what you see by seeing with your mind. See the textures and surfaces of things in terms of lines rather than the surfaces that they actually are. Ready? I will show you how to see in lines. Then you will be ready to battle the MegaSnail”
You will now learn how to make an abstract painting that focuses on line quality. This lesson was taught by Master Paskewitz to Teacher Omar twenty years ago and is one of Master Paskewitz favorite lessons. Using a script liner brush and complimentary colors, you will be painting an animal of your choosing. The catch is that you cannot have any of your brushstrokes on the painting touch and that you will have to execute each brushstroke in one movement. In the process of painting, you have to decide what kind of line best describes the material that you are painting. Flat solid objects might be straight with square openings and resolutions while hairy materials might have sharp ends and tapered bodies.
We are working hard on developing our video lessons for our curriculum. We will notify everyone once the lesson has been made. |
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Complimentary Colors • Long Liner Brush • Aesthetic Line Quality • Abstraction |
As you start off in Snail level, it is important to practice humility and move slowly like a snail.
Regardless of your achievements or natural abilities in art or in other areas of life, it is important to recognize that everyone has different strengths and weaknesses... including you.
Since we all have different strengths and weaknesses, we should not treat others differently because of their strengths or weaknesses.
Likewise, we should not expect to be treated better or worst than others because we may have particular strengths or weaknesses.
Set aside your positive or negative attributes and lets treat each other fairly and in an equally helpful manner.
You will find in life that we all rely on each other even when it is not immediately apparent, and not one particular person is more important than another.
The Snail Levels in the Oam Studios Curriculum concentrates on line quality.
Line quality refers to the properties of a line. There are various properties that make up every single line.
An artist must recognize each property when observing and creating lines.
Lay people don't often realize that there are three parts to a line.
You have the opening, the body & the resolution of a line.
The opening and end of a line can be referred to and the ends when discussing both at the same time.
The opening and resolution of a line or ends of a line are made up of shapes but are not refered to with the names of those shapes.
For example, even though a line may start with a circle shape, we use the adjective round to describe it since the art tools are not circles but maybe a round brush or round felt tip pen.
The ends of a line maybe the same or a combination of the following: round, oval, square, rounded-square, triangular, rounded-triangle, sharp, or rounded-sharp.
The body of a line is the length of the line between its opening and resolution. There are three main types of bodies which are uniform, tapered, and undulating.
Uniform lines have an equal thickness through the length of the line. "Uni" after all means one and form refers to its shape. Therefore uniform means literally that it has one form or thickness through its length.
Tapered lines, on the other hand, become progressively smaller toward one end.
Undulating lines are lines that have smoothly rising and falling forms or outlines. This can often be seen in calligraphy as lines may change thickness from thin to thick and then back to thin.
Other types of bodies are typically just descriptions or patterns such as jagged, curvy, lightning, or wavy and so on.
Sometimes descriptors of lines are pointing out the direction of movement such as horizontal, vertical and diagonal.
A lines weight refers the the strength, thickness, heaviness, and sometimes darkness of a line.
Line weight can be measured in many ways. Sometimes, for instance, the thickness of a line is calculated by pixels when pertaining to digital mediums. How many pixels side by side would determine the thickness of a line.
Typically artist describe pen and pencil line weight by estimating the amount of strokes it would take to make the line that thick. So one pencil point or pen point would be one pen or pencil stroke.
Two pen points would be equal to the thickness of a line made with two strokes placed side by side and forming one line. 5 pen points would be 5 stokes of the pen merged side by side.
The weight of a brush stoke usually referred to by its measurement in the imperial system or metric system.
In many cases the tool that is used by the artist will create the line properties.
For example, a chisel point pen will naturally make a square opening and resolution while also creating a uniform body if the line continues in a straight direction.
If using a chisel point pen and the line is curvy then calligraphic properties will be created that will have either undulating or tapered bodies.
Likewise, a filbert paint brush can create a round or oval opening, a uniform or tapered body, and even a sharp resolution depending on the pressure and hand movement of the artist.
We are working hard on developing our video lessons for our curriculum. We will notify everyone once the lesson has been made.
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Kelpearl⚔️1 🛡2 🐸1 Story will be updated shortly
Level information is being altered
We are working hard on developing our video lessons for our curriculum. We will notify everyone once the lesson has been made. |
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Color Pencils • Color Fills • Gradient • Tandem Fades • Radial Fades • Soft Caps |
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Shellicent⚔️2 🛡3 🐸2 Story will be updated shortly
Level information is being altered
We are working hard on developing our video lessons for our curriculum. We will notify everyone once the lesson has been made. |
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Soft Pastels • Canson Paper • Degas |
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Concherie⚔️3 🛡4 🐸3 Story will be updated shortly
Level information is being altered
We are working hard on developing our video lessons for our curriculum. We will notify everyone once the lesson has been made. |
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Oil Pastels • Terpinoid |
Discretion is the power or the right to decide or act according to one’s own judgment; freedom of judgment or choice and as a virtue one would have the quality of being discreet. This especially when in reference to one’s own actions or speech; prudence or decorum.
information here
information here
information here
We are working hard on developing our video lessons for our curriculum. We will notify everyone once the lesson has been made.
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Ponystar⚔️1 🛡0 👟1 The Kingdom of the Unicorn is a magical place of science and math. Even the inaccuracies are perfectly accurate and the imperfections are accurately perfect. In fact, magic is possible because of science and math and the way to wield those magical powers is to learn and understand them, just like the unicorns. A tiny unicorn pony bearing a star for its cutie mark appears magically before you. Its hair a crisp blue and its eyes mystical like stars. “My name is Ponystar, my pronouns are she and her and you’ve been sent here to save the Unicorn Kingdom. In order to tame the MegaUnicorn I’m going to have to teach you some of the magic of our world. I’m still learning myself, but once i figure it all out then I will get my corn and so will you. A unicorns corn is a mathematical measuring tool. It helps make our spells accurate and you can use your pencil to measure and make your drawings more accurate. So use your pencil the way us unicorns use our corns!” Galloping around you, she starts to explain the magic of measuring.
You will begin to learn the cantrips of classical drawing and how that differs from romantic drawing. Classical drawing emphasis maths role in art and how geometry can significantly improve an artists ability to create more accurate drawings. Through a series of exercise sheets you will learn how to simplify your subject matter into simple geometrical shapes. Using the basic techniques of classical drawing, you will then reproduce an image of your choosing, as accurately as possible.
We are working hard on developing our video lessons for our curriculum. We will notify everyone once the lesson has been made. |
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Division of Space • Fractions • Angles and Degrees • Geometrical Abstraction |
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Lunacorn⚔️2 🛡0 🪶2 Night falls upon the Kingdom of the Unicorn and you lift your chin to gaze at the glorious crescent moon above you. Thats odd you think to yourself as you see a unicorn running along the edge of the moons crescent. When it nears the sharp edge of the lower crescent, it leaps off the moon’s edge and descends rapidly to the earth! Slam! Impacting directly in front of you, a cloud of silver moon dust and grass blades burst out before you. As the cloud settles, you see a glorious Lunacorn standing before you. She explains to you the magic ability of scaling something from small to large to vice versa. With a teenage girls voice you hear her say “you can take any object and make it bigger or smaller using the magic math of gridding. Allow me to demonstrate to you.”
This level is meant to teach you the gridding method which is a classical method used by all the traditional masters. It is used most often on canvases and for murals. The gridding method will allow you scale and transfer a picture to a canvas or other larger format. That means you can enlarge your subject matter and draw it without too much loss of detail. You'll will start with a fun exercise plotting a secret image from a special key to a preset grid. Once your abilities have been tested, you will then work on transferring your chosen image to your canvas using the newly learnt gridding method.
We are working hard on developing our video lessons for our curriculum. We will notify everyone once the lesson has been made. |
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Ruler Division • Folding Division • Gridding Methods |
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Equestorm⚔️3 🛡1 🪶3 The morning sun pierces the sky with golden rays and reveals an oncoming thunder storm. It races towards you starting far off at the horizon and arriving ahead of you in a matter of minutes. The lightning flashes here and there in rapid succession and blinds you momentarily with each burst. The thunder calls out like a fierce high pitched horses neigh with the constant thunderous clapping of hooves rumbles down from the sky. Looking above, you see that the dark clouds of the thunderstorm are formed from a herd of unicorns’ manes and tails, running in the sky field. The lightning bolts blast from one unicorns horn to another while the tears of the unicorn release a heavy shower onto grassy fields below. In a flash Equestorm crackles down from the sky to field in front of you and with a strong female voice she says, “My dearest apprentice, we are running out of time. MegaCorn is coming and you must learn this final lesson before she arrives…” “This magic is referred to as live capturing and consists of three secret artist techniques.”
Everyone is familiar with the sight of an artist lifting their pencil, extending their arm, shutting one eye and squinting through the other. In this level the student will learn exactly why the artist does this and how this can greatly improve their live perception drawings. The technique is referred to as live capturing. It consists of three techniques having to do with distance, angles, & triangulation.
We are working hard on developing our video lessons for our curriculum. We will notify everyone once the lesson has been made. |
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Pencil Measuring • Angle capturing • Triangulation |
First off, the virtue of purity does not have to do with cleanliness in the art studio.
Instead we are talking about our intentions being pure. That means that our intentions are good or benevolent.
Our intentions should be free of self-interest, egoism, envy, cruelty, spite, greed, malice, trickery or dishonety.
There are places and people that you will live with or work with where preserving the purity amongst each other is more conducive to learning, growing, and caring for each other.
The Unicorn Levels in the Oam Studios Curriculum concentrates on math & science.
Often people don't realize that there is a whole lot of math & science embedded within art.
After all, images are made out of angles, measurements, anchors and vertices even if you don't see them.
If a student is able to think of their art more mathematically, then their drafting skills will become more accurate.
Angels are everywhere!
We can measure angles using protractors and instead of inches or centimeters which measure distances, we use degrees.
Degrees go from 0°-360°. If you turn around in a complete circle then you will have turned 360°.
Sometimes angles have a special name i.e. a 90° angle is referred to as a "right angle".
Angles that are narrower than a right angle are called an acute angle.
Angels that are wider that a right angle are called obtuse angles.
When an artist draws they see everything in terms of measurments and distances.
They are constantly comparing areas and cutting them into small portions visually in their mind.
A fraction is a small divion of an area. Understanding fractions will make your art work more accurate.
A "half" is a fraction and can also be written like this: "1/2" or like this: ".5"
A "quarter" is one fourth of something. Just like four quarters make one dollar.
An "eighth" is half of a quarter, is 4 of a half and 1/8th of a whole.
When someone measures they often use a ruler.
Artist on the other hand use many different things to measure.
Of course the most important measuring tool are their eyes. Because their eyes are so well trained they can measure really well using them.
They also will make rulers by cutting a sheet of paper or a string and drawing on their own measurements.
They will also use their pencil by lifting it towards the object tehy are trying to measure and placing their thumb on the pencil to mark the distance from their thumbtip to the tip of the pencil.
We are working hard on developing our video lessons for our curriculum. We will notify everyone once the lesson has been made.
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Thorby⚔️1 🛡2 👟1 In the United States of Shading, there is a particular state inhabited by porcupines; You find yourself there at this moment in your journey; in the State of Stippling. You have a scheduled meeting with a porcupine named Thorby and you have to be there at eight on the dot. You see him grumpy and waddling towards you. “Whats wrong?” you ask him. “I’m in a prickly mood!” he exclaims with a gruff voice, “so let’s get straight to the point.” He explains how there is a nasty Porcupine Samurai destroying the villages and how you can defeat it by mastering the stippling shading technique. He continues with his raspy voice, “Stippling takes sharp concentration, ninja like patience, and spot on accuracy.” A slight smile appears on his otherwise gloomy face as he says, ”Not many can survive the training.”
Stippling will surely discipline you into being a true art student. The very difficult shading technique will test a students patience and fortitude. This shading technique uses dots in proximity to one another to create dark and light values. The more dots gathered closely together the darker the value while if they are further apart, they make a lighter value. Computer printers stipple, but the stippling is so tiny that it is hard to perceive. In this lesson you will begin with a value chart demonstrating your understanding of stippling and its values from light to dark. In the process of the worksheets, you will also learn the concepts of chiaroscuro, tenebrism and sfumato. All three of these art concepts were developed during the Italian Renaissance.
We are working hard on developing our video lessons for our curriculum. We will notify everyone once the lesson has been made. |
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Chiaroscuro • Tenebrism • Sfumato • Leonardo da Vinci |
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Ninjog⚔️2 🛡3 👟2 Towering pine needle trees surround you while you walk through a serene forest. Out of no where, to your left, a ninja porcupine suddenly appears from behind one of the tree trunks in the distance and disappears as it dives into a somersault and vanishes behind another. From behind a completely different tree trunk, at your right, he reappears and sprints towards you. Leaping in the air he grabs three spines from his back and launches them towards you like daggers. One just barely skims above the crown of your head and embeds deeply into a tree trunk directly behind you “thunk!” The two others, flung from his other hand… “thunk! thunk!” stab into the ground one inch exactly from each of your big toes! Looking up from your feet, the ninja porcupine is immediately before you in a ninja combat stance. He whispers, “pointillism, you must learn.”
You will now be studying the painting technique known as pointillism. Pointillism is a style of painting first developed by Georges Seurat in France during the mid 1800s. At the time, the term "Pointillism" was coined by art critics in the late 1880s to ridicule the works of pointillist artists, but later the negative connotation was dropped as respective for the style was recognized. This style is important to the development of an artist because it requires the student to concentrate on mixing individual colors and precision in laying down those colors.
We are working hard on developing our video lessons for our curriculum. We will notify everyone once the lesson has been made. |
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Palette Mixing • Palette Knives • Purpose of Different Paint Brushes • Viscosity of Paints • Proper Application of Paints • Pointilist Techniques • Optical Mixing • Georges Seurat |
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Sworcupine⚔️3 🛡3 👟3 You take in the smell of incense burning as you near a an eight tiered pagoda-temple dedicated to stippling and the artists that utilize it regularly in their artistic practices. Crossing the inner courtyard which is surrounded by a peaceful cemetery and blossoming cherry trees, you enter the main temple where you see a porcupine swordsman meditating with his sword resting in his palms. His samurai swords sharpness is matched by the sharpness of his spines. You hear a deep low hum coming from his throat and thoughts begin to arrive into your mind as if we was speaking to you telepathically. “Only through stippling is one able to reach the deepest understanding of wuwei and its use to an artist.” “Your actions should be executed without thought, as natural as a cherry tree blossoming without mind. Freeing you of the burden of thought, then allows you the honored and advantageous position of observer.” Breathing smoothly and deeply, the Sworcupine rises up smoothly on his exhale and just as fluidly sheaths his sword without removing his gaze from your eyes. You then hear calming wispy voice from his lips, “From this perspective you see yourself at work and all the mechanisms that contribute to your ability to complete your artistic endeavors.“ “You will then be able perceive the movements and actions necessary to the completion of your art work ahead of your current actions, all the while interacting with the actions already achieved in the past simultaneously.” “Every action executed can be noted as a single moment in space and the collaborating actions surrounding it are also dots placed in a field of time. Each dot relative to another composing a fuller picture, that of the true real.” Though you may not fully understand, It is unnecessary to “get it.” You must feel it. We will sharpen your stippling skills through demonstration and mastery of mosaic.”
The highest form of stippling is the mosiac. The definition of mosaic means a picture or pattern produced by arranging together small colored pieces of hard material, such as stone, tile, or glass. At this level you will compose a mosaic using pieces of colored glass and tiles. Each piece contributing to the creation of an image. A grout or plaster will be added to bind the pieces together completing the project.
We are working hard on developing our video lessons for our curriculum. We will notify everyone once the lesson has been made. |
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Andamentog • Double Reverse Method • Grout • Gems Blobs & Nuggets • Hammer and Hardie • Interstices • Tesserae • Vitreous |
Fidelity is the virtue of consistency which is very important in Porcupine Level as well as in life.
It is the basis for reliable thought, reason, morality, trust, and loyalty.
It allows us to predict future behavior based on the history of past behavior.
A person that is reliable is predictable and an artist that gets work done on time is consistent.
Fidelity is most valuable when it is applied to the most worthy ideas, deeds, principles, or affiliations.
The Porcupine Levels in the Oam Studios Curriculum concentrates on stippling.
Stippling is a type of shading where the artist places dots of various distances from one another to make areas darker or lighter in value.
This shading technique is especially important to Oam Studios because it teaches the students patience and closer observation to values.
Stippling is especially great to cloud cloudy, gaseous forms and objects that are distorted by those types of forms.
Printers use the stippling shading technique.
If you look very closely you will see small dots that the printer sprayed on to the surface.
The dots are so tiny and accurate that we hardly ever notice.
When stippling is used for creating a whole painting, the painting technique is called pointillism and the artist is referred to as a pointillist painter.
Pointillism is a painting technique that was developed and credited to Georges-Pierre Seurat, a French artist from 1859-1891.
In the summer of 1884, Seurat began work on A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte. The painting shows members of each of the social classes participating in various park activities. The tiny juxtaposed dots of multi-colored paint allow the viewer’s eye to blend colors optically, rather than having the colors physically blended on the canvas.
This ten foot wide painting took him two years to complete. Much of that time, however, was spent drawing numerous studies and sketches in the park in preparation for the final work.
A mosaic is a picture made up of small parts which are traditionally tiny tiles made out of terracotta, pieces of glass, ceramics or marble and usually inlayed into floors and walls.
It is very smiliar to stippling because the overall image is made of tiny dots.
If you think about it a television is a mosaic of tiny pixels, but the pixels change colors.
We are working hard on developing our video lessons for our curriculum. We will notify everyone once the lesson has been made.
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Eggle⚔️0 🛡2 👟1 After days of hiking the almost vertical terrain, you finally reach midway up the mountain. You stop to catch your breath. Sweat dripping down your brow and handles grasping your knees for support as you hunch over in exhaustion. There you find a branch precariously growing from the mountainside where your eyes focus upon a nest perched on its outmost limb. One pink polkadot egg of the 8 in the nest emits a popping sound as a beak breaches the eggs surface, followed by a crackling sound as a fissure travels around the eggs hemisphere separating into two. Peaking through the crack a yellow chirp chirp yawns and then says, ”Flying is complicated, so we should start simple. After all. before you can fly, you have to hatch.” It then wobbles out of the nest and onto the branch, all the while continuing to wear its shell like a suit of armor. With its tiny talons, it scratches parallel hatch marks into the bark of the branch, shaking the branch and eggs cradled in the nest. She continues to speak, “Simple hatching will make your talons strong and then you will be able to claw at Mega Eagle to take it down.”
This level will teach you how to shade using the simple hatching technique. In the process you will also start learning about light theory and how light dictates where the shadows form on an object and where shadows are casted from an object. You will learn the techniques necessary to work with the quill point dip pen and how to guide its tines to create excellent simple hatched shading lines. Finally then you will apply the hatched lines to your classic cartoon sketch according to where the chosen light source requires them to be.
We are working hard on developing our video lessons for our curriculum. We will notify everyone once the lesson has been made. |
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Simple Hatching • Contour Hatching • Cast Shadows • Form Shadows • Overlapping Shadows • Distance Darkening • Michael Wolgemut • Hans Holbein the Younger |
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Soaraptor⚔️2 🛡2 🪶2 You climb ever so higher the great mountain and once you reach about three-fourths of the way you see an eagle perched on a dead tree with hundreds of criss crossing talon marks cut into its trunk. The bird launches into the air whipping around and then attacking the mountain side cutting into the stone leaving gashes into its side. Then rapidly after swinging into a roundhouse kick and cutting across the previous marks crossing them. With one more fierce and immediate strike it takes out a whole chunk of rock where the first two criss crossing attacks where located. He lands and folds his wings behind him staring at his work then turns in your direction calmly. He speaks to you, “Each time you cross your talon marks you weaken the area bringing shade upon it. Now that your hatch marks are strong, you must learn to cross hatch them.”
You will now study the more advanced ink shading technique referred to as cross hatching. Cross hatching is a shading technique using two or more layers of hatching at differing-angles to create a mesh-like pattern. Multiple layers in varying directions can be used to create textures and darker values. Master Omar’s favorite cross hatcher was the incredible Albrecht Durer.
We are working hard on developing our video lessons for our curriculum. We will notify everyone once the lesson has been made. |
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Cross Hatching • Contour Cross Hatching • Classical Drawing • Albrecht Dürer |
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Bravalor⚔️4 🛡3 🪶4 You hear the whip snapping eagle cry of Bravalor breaking the sound bearer, breaking wind across the sky. Swooping high above the mountain top that you now stand upon you see his majestic wings sprawl wide open as he swiftly moves across the heavens above. He quickly descends and swoops up ward as he hangs in space for a moment before finally landing on the tip of the mountain. “You have learnt to use your talons and you now deserve your own quill point pen. I am honored to give one of my own.” Reaching with his leg he grabs a strong primary feather from his underwing. He then nibbles at the base of the feather splitting the tip into two tines. “May this quill point pen help you when you battle MegaEagle. However, your next lesson has not to do with scarring surfaces with your talons. It is an even higher ability, the highest of all lower and higher Aves.” “It is our nest building that makes us distinct and strongest of all. Our prudence in creating a home for our loved ones. A home safe in the sky and above all those things that one might fear.” He continues, “You will now learn to weave a nest, or… as your kind call it… weave a basket.”
Basket weaving is a traditional art form that is ancient in origin spanning back for at least 12,000 years. It was not only used for survival, but is apart of religious ceremonies and in fact was used extensively in World War I and II. You will design a simple basket and weave it using natural materials. To complete the project you will paint the basket using an airbrush and paints.
We are working hard on developing our video lessons for our curriculum. We will notify everyone once the lesson has been made. |
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Frame • Ribs • Weaving • Coil • Stakes & Spokes • Coiling • Plaiting • Twining • Wicker |
Prudence means being careful about your choices, stopping and thinking before acting.
An artist must be prucdent in every brushstroke or flick of the ink pen but one should be prudent outside of the art studio as well.
To be prudent is a strength of restraint which means you do not succumb to being impulsive.
When you are prudent, you are not taking unnecessary risks, and not saying or doing things that you might later regret.
In life we have control of our words and our actions; unfortuantly not always our thoughts.
Be prudent with your words and actions. Consider the people those words or actions will affect.
The Eagle Levels in the Oam Studios Curriculum concentrates on hatching.
Hatching is a form of shading where the artist uses lines to create areas darker or lighter in value.
There are two different forms of hatching. One is simple hatching & the other is cross hatching.
Other forms of hatching may be a variation of the two mentioned above.
Simple hatching is a style of shading that uses parallel lines beside each other to create darker and lighter values.
The hatch marks are usually on the opposite side of the light source, but at times can be within an object to show divets on the surface.
A master of simple hatching was the notorious Michael Wolgemut. One of my favorite of his works to exam is called Dance of Death or Danse Macabre
Here you can see that the simple hatch marks are often on the left side of the characters bones, which means that the lighting is coming from the right. Whether that be moonlight or sunlight, we cannot be sure.
Cross hatching goes further from simple hatching because, well the hatch marks cross.
This give us even darker values and can also allow us to be less concerned with the hatch marks as they tend to stop being as noticable.
A very famous artist that has mastered cross hatcher, and that most people are familiar with, is Albrecht Durer.
His work, Praying Hands, is the work that most often people recognize, but the cross hatching in praying hands is so subtle and the hands themselves actually have nothing to do with prayer so it is best to reference his other great works.
In his work Saint George on Horse Back, you can really see the mastered cross hatching that Durer is capable of.
Simple hatching and cross hatching can be performed with a number of type of lines including perfectly straight lines.
Better though, and more difficult to apply is using contour lines to either type of hatching.
Contour lines define the interior structure of an object. So if a the object is round, the contour lines will curve along the shape.
If the shape has divets within it, then the contour lines will describe them as well by curving into and bending out of the divets.
The above drawing is called a cross contour drawing. You can see that the contour lines describe the surface of the hand and that shading is made possible by the thickening and thinning of the lines.
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Torble⚔️1 🛡3 🐸2 Story will be updated shortly
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Block Printing |
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Tortoracle⚔️3 🛡4 🐸3 Story will be updated shortly
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Soft Pastels • Canson Paper • Degas |
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Torceror⚔️5 🛡5 🐸4 Story will be updated shortly
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Intaglio |
Generosity (also called largess) is the virtue of being liberal in giving, often as gifts. Generosity is regarded as a virtue by various world religions, and is often celebrated in cultural and religious ceremonies.
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Cubebe⚔️2 🛡2 👟2 Story will be updated shortly
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Papier-mâché |
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Panthumper⚔️4 🛡3 👟4 Story will be updated shortly
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Resin • Mold Making • Casting |
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Panthwar⚔️6 🛡5 👟6 Story will be updated shortly
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Jewelry • Lost Wax Technique |
Justice is the moderation or mean between selfishness and selflessness – between having more and having less than one's fair share.
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Gagoose⚔️1 🛡1 🌎2 Story will be updated shortly
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Watercolor • Arabic Gum |
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Swugly⚔️2 🛡2 🌎4 Story will be updated shortly
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Airbrush • Masking • Frisket |
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Swailuna⚔️4 🛡4 🌎6 Story will be updated shortly
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Adire • Indigo |
The bestowing of unconditional love and having a positive impact on the lives of others. Showing a genuine concern for the good of others, with unselfish acts of kindness such as: compassion, caring, thoughtfulness, service, and other humanitarian and noble actions.
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Saddlephant⚔️2 🛡2 🐸3 Story will be updated shortly
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Cermaic • Slab |
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Elefort⚔️4 🛡5 🐸4 Story will be updated shortly
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Pinch Pot • Coils • Add & Subtract |
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Castlederm⚔️6 🛡7 🐸5 Story will be updated shortly
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Wheel Throwing • Pottery • Coil |
Compassion is the ability to feel sorrow over another person's suffering, and to express that sorrow in a way that is intended to alleviate that suffering. Unlike pity, compassion does not suggest any feeling of superiority to the suffering person, but is instead a virtue that forms a bond with the sufferer.
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Snowl⚔️2 🛡2 🪶2 Story will be updated shortly
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High Contrast |
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Owlee⚔️4 🛡4 🪶4 Story will be updated shortly
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High Contrast Portrait |
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Showl-lin⚔️5 🛡6 🪶5 Story will be updated shortly
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High Contrast |
Simplicity is the virtue of removing the unrelated things to reveal the essence. Simplicity is the direct alignment with reality and it is the opposite of false. Simplicity is the opposite of excess. Simplicity is also the opposite of indirect.
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Rhinoot⚔️2 🛡2 👟2 Story will be updated shortly
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Landscape |
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Trunkorn⚔️3 🛡4 👟3 Story will be updated shortly
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Landscape |
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Rhinorest⚔️3 🛡6 🪶4 Story will be updated shortly
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Landscape |
Good faith is the virtue of truthfulness. You might call it sincerity, truthfulness, honesty, veracity, candor, or authenticity, the particular word chosen is less important than the deep respect for the truth they each convey.
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Pupout⚔️4 🛡3 🪶4 "Arf! Arf!" The tiny joyful bark of a young female pupper rings in your ears as this tiny-fluffy she wolf pup comes trampling across the golden grass hill. She leaps into your arms tongue dangling out of her puppy mouth and greets you with puppy kisses; her tongue wiping across your rosy cheecks leaving a slick wet residue. "I'm learning how to bark like a tough girl!" She says to you. "You can learn too!" A fur ball of energy she springs back wards out of your arms with a bright smile on her face. She tumbles and rolls on the grass... then as if she has lost concentration starts sniffing all around the grass, catching the scent of something. Sniffing all about she turns and looks towards you with a more serious ominious look on her face. "Did you know canines can recognize peoples emotions?" she says while then turning and continuing to sniff about. This time, not raising her head, but continuing her conversation while sniffing and guiding you from the grassy hills into the depths of a green enchanted forest she says "Yeah we are super smart species. Though we can recognise your faces we don't care much about how you look. Its not important. Whats more important is your smells. Smells dont lie, but faces can." You start to actuall really think about that. She continues leading you along the thick forest path. Branches start obscuring your view. Her sniffing getting louder as her nostrils widen with each exhale. "MegaWolf is trying to hide from us also she can sneak attack us when we least expect it. She hid her scent here and there to throw us off too." "But my nose is real good. We will find her! You need to learn to draw manga faces if you hope to win when we find her though."
Manga has become a very popular form of art in the USA starting back in the early 2000s. Its historical roots branching back to asian block printing. At this level you start by drawing and exploring different stylizations of eyes, hairdos, and head shapes. Afterward, you will then practice and memorize the facial proportions. Finally, you will create a self portrait in manga style and the background should reflect places and things that you love.
We are working hard on developing our video lessons for our curriculum. We will notify everyone once the lesson has been made. |
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Manga • Caricature • Facial Proportions • Hairdos |
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Dogruff⚔️3 🛡2 👟4 A spunky young teenwolf girl pounces around you. She shows off her speed and agility. Shes too fast for you to pin down. She growls playfully and you enjoy your lesson in speed and movement. "Sure... being a girl makes me fast and tough, but anyone can move quickly, ruff!" She continues, "you need to stretch in the morning and only hunt when you are hungry." She tumbles and swirles her tail lashing around and your fingers always just inches away from grasping her. "Most important though," she says between her leaps and bounds, "is you have to understand how the body parts move." "I'll teach you, so you can take on MegaShewolf!"
We will now start learning manga body proportions so that you can draw a full figured character. First you will start to build the height of the body by the measurement of the characters head and memorizing the proportions and gesture drawings for both a chibi and standard size character. Then we will explore clothing, shoes and accesories to draw. Finally, you will draw your own chibi and standard character in an outdoor nature scene.
We are working hard on developing our video lessons for our curriculum. We will notify everyone once the lesson has been made. |
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Manga • Body Proportions • Clothing |
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Wolfierce⚔️5 🛡5 👟5 You find yourself standing in an outdoor boxing ring. The lights hovering above the outdoor boxing ring are like full moons blessing you with cool illumination in the dark. An evening forest surrounds the ring with hundreds of baby pups sitting and staring with their glowing eyes on you as yous stand in one corner. Prancing in from the forest to the stairs of the raised platform, a large beautiful motherwolf stretches the boxing ring ropes apart and enters between them. Finding her corner of the boxing ring, she jogs in place and then raises her boxing glove to the night sky and howls out to the moon "AH WHOO!" In response, all the baby wolves cry out into a howl! "ah wooo!" The motherwolf then points her raised glove towards you and howls out "Ah WOOO!" You respond to her call with your own howl... "Mothers are the toughest" she says, "and you can learn everything you will ever need to know if you listen with love."
This level we will create an urban scene populated with manga characters with one of them being more prominent. You can choose if you would like the character outside in the city surrounded by buildings or in an interior such as a coffee shop, mall or what not. To do this we will do some excercises on draing furniture and common outdoor city objects. The important thing is that we utilize first, two or three point perspective that we have learnt from Giraffe levels. We want to make sure that our characters look planted and natural in the interior or exterior of a city scene. Having them leaning on furniture, sitting at a table or resting against a wall are ways to show this.
We are working hard on developing our video lessons for our curriculum. We will notify everyone once the lesson has been made. |
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Manga • City Scenery |
Mercy is the virtue of forgiveness. It is the decision to stop hating and to renounce vengeance. It is about your choice, not other's choice. Mercy does not nullify the evil, and it does not give up the fight against evil; it is your refusal to be drawn into evil, to add to the hate, or to continue the violence.
Manga is an umbrella term for a wide variety of comic books and graphic novels originally produced and published in Japan. Unlike American comic books, which are usually printed in full color, Japanese manga are almost always published in black and white. Full-color prints are often only used for special releases.
In Japan and in Japanese, anime (a term derived from the English word animation) describes all animated works, regardless of style or origin. In addition to original works, anime are often adaptations of Japanese comics (manga), light novels, or video games.
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Dragid⚔️2 🛡1 👟1 Amongst the burning pools of lava, at the base of the volcano, you find yourself in the sweltering heat. Sweat dripping down your brow, a child kid dragon ignites a piece of willow branch from a burp built up and released from his throat. As the branch burns he chews pink buble gum and then proceeds to blow a bubble from it. "Egh, I still learning to fire. Right now burp is best I can do." Behind him you see a magnificent weeping willow tree at the bank of a lava river. The tree not bothered at all by the hot conditionas that surround it. It continues to weep tears from its leaf tips and its branches grow ever stronger and gnarly. The willow branch held by the Dragid burns until what remains is charcoal and whispy strings of smoke. He contniiues to delight in chewing his gum. He splits the branch into two uneven pieces. Staring at the two he blows another bubble with his gum as he exams them. He then throws the larger piece into his mouth gnashing away as the crunchy charcoal mixes with sticky gum between his jaws. He hands you the smaller piece of charcoal and says "draw with this, very powerful!" The pink gum in his mouth becomes a blackish greay as its contents mash togther. "I compress this for you... you use too." He says as he sits on the rocks and continues with his gnawing away. Volcanoes in the distances explode releasing what seems like fireworks in the distance.
Lets get our hands dirty! Charcoal drawing is an amazing material to work with. Created naturally from burnt willow tree branches or by adding a binder such as gum or wax and then compressing the materials. At this level we will draw with charcoal and perfect our shading with its rich black values and subtle smoky whites that only it can achieve. We will do a series of excercises, focused on basic geometrical shapes before working on a still life drawing that will include obejects of different transparencies and opacities... after all, it is safest to remain still and transparent when near a dragon!
We are working hard on developing our video lessons for our curriculum. We will notify everyone once the lesson has been made. |
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Vine Charcoal • Compressed Charcoal • Kneaded Eraser • Chamois • Tortillons • Paper Stump |
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Dragopunk⚔️4 🛡3 🪶3 At the base of a volcano you find a the cave entrance that Dragkid directed you too. At the entrance, you smell the pungent smell of sulfur, like rotten eggs, seeping out continuously along with the stench of what can only be described as dragon flatulence. You enter the gaping mouth of the cave, its stalactites like upper fangs ready to pierce down on you and its stalagmites like the lower crammed up teeth on the bottom jaw of a bronze dragon. Weaving through the rows of ancient rock formations, and jagged obsidian chards piercing through the cave floor, you see a warm reddish light in the distance illuminating the cave walls. Continuing down the mountain artery, you see silver drawings on the walls freckled with the sparkles of diamonds. Now further in, you see a large punk dragon wearring hipster glasses and with its strong extended arm, it draws on the upper ceiling of the cave ceiling with a chunk of graphite firmly grasped in its claws. Beside him is a punk female dragon with a pierced wing sketching on the opposite wall. She is the first to notice you enter and says “Ahh… you have arrived… no need to worry, I have already had my evening meal, and I am not in the habit of devouring my students. Come closer, I have something to show you.” You hesitate, before reluctantly dragging yourself forward. She reveals a chunk of graphite in her hand and says, “This is the mineral, known as graphite. It is what is in your pencils, after your kind realized that lead was toxic to your bodies.” “Although it is worth very little in its current form, it is highly valuable when properly used” “Draw with it, and its value immediately increases in the eyes of another.” She then takes a large step towards you and squats low to the ground, lowering herself to your height. Then taking the chunk of graphite that she was moments ago drawing with, she cradles it between his scaly palms and squeezes it tight. “Add pressure and heat…” She pauses as her dragon slit pupils smile towards you. She then takes in a deep breath of sulfuric gas and blows blazing hot fire in betwee her clutching claws. Heis face illuminating in the flickering yellow and red flames. The graphite turning a burning hot white and the dragons muscles tensing ever tighter as she squeezes the rock harder and harder. The breath of fire lowers and dissipates as the dragon runs out of breath and the graphite slowly cools. She then crumbles the graphite between her strong leathery fingers. A sparkling diamond reveals itself. “With graphite, you make your drawings like diamonds.”
Graphite is the foundation of all art and the more time you spend learning how to use this mineral the more you strengthen your skills in all other art disciplines. At this level, you will first learn about the 20 different pencils an artist has at their disposal. Each of them having a unique mixture of graphite and clay to produce lighter grey to black values. To learn this you will practice by creating a value chart, focusing on your hand positions and your application of pressure. We will then do foundational exercises drawing and shading several basic three dimensional forms. Finally, then you will draw metallic objects of your choosing, in a composition that will show off their reflective nature and depth of values.
We are working hard on developing our video lessons for our curriculum. We will notify everyone once the lesson has been made. |
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Vine Charcoal • Compressed Charcoal • Kneaded Eraser • Chamois • Tortillons • Paper Stump |
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Dragoking⚔️4 🛡3 🪶3 Story will be updated
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Vine Charcoal • Compressed Charcoal • Kneaded Eraser • Chamois • Tortillons • Paper Stump |
As a virtue, tolerance implies that one accepts differences in people. You don't expect others to think, look, speak or act just like you. Tolerant people are generally free of prejudice and discrimination. ... An exaggerated tolerance may amount to a vice, while intolerance may sometimes be a virtue
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Porplash⚔️1 🛡2 🐟3 Story will be updated shortly
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Vine Charcoal • Compressed Charcoal • Kneaded Eraser • Chamois • Tortillons • Paper Stump |
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Dolpedo⚔️3 🛡3 🐟4 Story will be updated shortly
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Vine Charcoal • Compressed Charcoal • Kneaded Eraser • Chamois • Tortillons • Paper Stump |
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Suborcamine⚔️5 🛡5 🐟5 Story will be updated shortly
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Vine Charcoal • Compressed Charcoal • Kneaded Eraser • Chamois • Tortillons • Paper Stump |
Gentleness is the virtue of doing your good with the least possible harm to others. It is the decision to approach others from a stance of love—or at least benevolence—rather than indifference, or worse. Gentleness is courage without violence, strength without harshness, and love without anger.
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Baablaze⚔️3 🛡2 👟3 Story will be updated shortly
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Vine Charcoal • Compressed Charcoal • Kneaded Eraser • Chamois • Tortillons • Paper Stump |
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Pyram⚔️4 🛡3 👟5 Story will be updated shortly
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Vine Charcoal • Compressed Charcoal • Kneaded Eraser • Chamois • Tortillons • Paper Stump |
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Wendigoat⚔️7 🛡7 👟7 Story will be updated shortly
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Vine Charcoal • Compressed Charcoal • Kneaded Eraser • Chamois • Tortillons • Paper Stump |
Courage is a virtue when we choose to do good, especially when that is most difficult. Courage most demands our respect when it incurs risk without selfish motivation. Courage is moral strength in the face of danger. Courage is most virtuous when it is combined with knowledge, wisdom, and opinion.
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Coicalf⚔️2 🛡2 👟3 Story will be updated shortly
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Isometric Perspective |
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Chargiraff⚔️3 🛡3 👟4 Story will be updated shortly
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First Point Perspective |
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Giravolt⚔️8 🛡7 👟5 Story will be updated shortly
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Two Point Perspective |
Having a sense of humor helps us to endure things more easily. Indeed we could hardly get along without it. The person who sees man only seriously, only morally or pedagogically, cannot endure him for any great length of time. We must have an eye for the oddity of existence. Everything human has something comic about it.
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Doodlebug⚔️3 🛡1 👟1 Story will be updated shortly
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Adobe Photoshop |
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Vectocoon⚔️0 🛡3 🪶0 Story will be updated shortly
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Adobe Illustrator |
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Butterarch⚔️8 🛡3 🪶6 Story will be updated shortly
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Two Point Perspective |
Gratitude is the virtue of rejoicing in what is. It is expressing the feeling of joy we get from all that brings us joy. It is the opposite of regret, which is a feeling of sadness for what is, and of nostalgia, which aches for a past which is now gone
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Tartubby⚔️2 🛡2 🐥2 Story will be updated shortly
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Independant Study |
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Tarteddy⚔️7 🛡7 🐥7 Story will be updated shortly
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Independant Study |
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Spardigrade⚔️9 🛡9 🐥9 Story will be updated shortly
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Independant Study |
Virtue is the quality of being morally good. ... The word virtue comes from the Latin root vir, for man. At first virtue meant manliness or valor, but over time it settled into the sense of moral excellence. Virtue can also mean excellence in general.
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Your teacher appreciates your behavior improvements.
It does not grow on trees... You earned it.
You were the most behaved student. Your day was shiny and sparkly.
You rule the kingdom of Oam Art Studios.
You sit like an artist... Working on your art at your desk.
You are not being distracted. You have the eyes of an artist.
You are a fantastic art apprentice. You ask for permission from your Master to speak.
A true artist takes as much care in their supplies and studio as they do in their artwork.
Seeking to be apart of your community and soaking up the rays of praise.
First is the worst. Second is the best.
You’ve made it to the top. Remember that everyone looks up to you now. They look at you carefully.
It’s a brave act to step out of the shadows and compete. You have the courage of an artist.
You take a scientific & mathematical approach to art.You are an Art Astronaut.
You are stealth and precise as you create your art. You are the Art Ninja.
You magically conjure up creativity. You are an Ar Wizard.
Art is a social event and you delight in helping your peers. You are a Art Hero.
Unleash your creativity and compete with other talented artists in our art competitions. This is your chance to shine and have your work recognized.
To participate, register through our platform and submit your artwork before the deadline. Be sure to review the competition guidelines for specific details.
Art competitions provide a fantastic opportunity to gain exposure, receive feedback from professionals, and build confidence in your artistic journey. Celebrate creativity and push the boundaries of your imagination!
If your child is participating in a competition we’re not hosting, we are here to support them in preparing for their project. Our instructors will guide them with resources, feedback, and encouragement to ensure they’re set up for success.
And if they win, we’d be delighted to attend the award ceremony to show our support and celebrate their achievement together!
If you have questions or need assistance with your submission, our team is here to support you every step of the way. Don't hesitate to contact us.
We understand that life can be unpredictable, and you may need to miss a class. Our Pre-Absence policy allows students to inform us ahead of time about their absence to make appropriate accommodations.
To schedule an absence, simply notify us at least 24 hours in advance. This allows us to adjust class materials and schedules as needed.
Advance notice helps us manage resources efficiently and ensures other students can continue their learning without disruptions. It also helps us maintain the quality of education and classroom environment.
If you need assistance with scheduling a pre-absence, please reach out to our team. We're here to help make the process smooth and easy for you.
At Oam Studios Art Academy, we operate under a no-refund policy. This policy ensures fairness and consistency for all students and families.
Due to the nature of our art classes, supplies, and reserved slots, all purchases are considered final. This allows us to plan resources effectively and maintain a high-quality learning experience for everyone.
If you have questions about this policy or wish to discuss specific concerns, please feel free to contact us. We are here to assist and ensure the best possible experience for our students.
Our class durations are thoughtfully designed to align with the age and attention span of the students, ensuring an optimal learning experience.
For younger students aged 4–8, classes are typically 50 minutes, providing a balance of focus and creativity. Older students and adults benefit from longer sessions of 90–120 minutes, allowing for in-depth exploration of techniques and projects.
We offer a range of time slots to accommodate various schedules. Whether you prefer a weekday evening or a weekend afternoons, we have options to fit your families routines.
Specialized sessions, such as portfolio preparation or advanced technique workshops, may have extended durations to cover more content and practice time.
For longer classes, short breaks are included to ensure students stay engaged throughout the session and have some needed socializing with peers.
Thank you for applying to Oam Studios Art Academy for your children's art lessons.
We will review your registration and respond back to you shortly.
Teacher Student Ratios | |
Age Bracket | Ratios |
4 - 8 | 1:5 |
9 - 11 | 1:10 |
12 & up | 1:12 |
Grouping Students
Students are taught individually while being in a group setting. Students are grouped together by age, not by skill level.
Each student will be working on different assignments based on their placement in our curriculum and also based on the student’s preference on the subject matter.
There is no formal critiquing between students unless they are in the Studio Art Class.
One-on-One art classes provide a tailored experience focusing on individual needs. These classes offer a personalized approach for students who may require more focused attention or specialized instruction.
For students with special needs, One-on-One classes offer a supportive environment tailored to their specific requirements. These sessions ensure a pace that accommodates various abilities, with personalized strategies for success.
Neurodivergent students benefit from One-on-One art classes through adapted teaching methods that align with their unique learning styles. These classes focus on creating an inclusive and understanding space.
One-on-One art classes for adults provide an opportunity to explore artistic passions with individual attention. These sessions are designed to cater to the unique interests and skill levels of adult learners.
Group art classes offer social, sharing, and financial benefits. Students should be well-mannered and avoid disruptive behavior.
In some cases, art students may require one-on-one lessons instead of group lessons, particularly for special needs or neurodivergence.
Students interested in group classes must be able to:
1. Work independently for short periods after instruction.
2. Stay focused during class, even when teachers are assisting other students.
3. Follow the curriculum and communicate their ideas effectively to teachers.
4. Remain seated throughout class time.
At Oam Studios, art projects are allotted a time limit of 12 classes. After this, parents can decide if their child should continue the project at the studio or complete it at home. Completed projects should be returned to the studio for credit.
We emphasize quality over quantity and precision over speed. Students first practice on worksheets before applying their new skills to their final projects. Putting time into their art projects ensures that a student focuses on mastering techniques rather than rushing through multiple low-quality pieces.
Oam Studios Art Academy currently offers three payment plans to choose from.
Tuition is based on the student's age bracket and the chosen class plan.
Purchasing a larger number of classes results in greater savings.
Art supplies are provided for our art projects, except for special projects that students bring to the studio.
These may include competitions, school assignments, or other personal projects.
Additional exceptions may apply to adult or advanced classes.
There is a $50 registration fee per student or a $25 registration fee per sibling.
All sales are final, and refunds are not available.
Many art schools require parents to run around purchasing art supplies that they know little about.
Worst is when they force you to purchase the art supplies from them at a marked up price!
At Oam Studios Art Academy, we provide all the supplies to the student, allowing more free time to the parents and less hassle.
As the artist, we know quality of supply needed for each project and provide what works best.
In somecases we will not be able to provide the art supplies.
For example, many of our students have school assignments that they would like to work on during their class time or a competition that they are signing up for.
There are some exceptions such as paint, brushes or pencils in which case they can readily use.
It is best to ask us before assuming.
You may need to freeze your child’s account.
Freezing is necessary when your child will be absent for an extended period due to a vacation or emergency.
Note: There’s no need to freeze accounts during the studio’s holiday breaks.
Accounts can be frozen for absences a minimum of one month, ensuring that class credits remain intact during the absence.
Students absent for one to three classes should not have their account frozen.
Text your art studio and let them know you would like to freeze your account, or do so by signing into your account on the site and clicking on your child's settings and clicking the freeze account toggle.
When an account is frozen, the student is removed from their scheduled class time.
Classes can be rescheduled after unfreezing the account, but previous class times or days may not be available.
How to Reach UsWe are happy to assist you! However, as we are often busy teaching, we kindly ask that you contact us via text message or email for non-emergency inquiries. By using text and email, we will have written record of your request which allows us to form a queue that allows us to respond to your messages more efficiently. Are administrative hours are typically before and at the end of our school day. PleasantonEmail: Text Message: (925) 989-4756 Phone Calls: (925) 989-4756 TracyEmail: Text Message: (209) 640-4406 Phone Calls: (209) 640-4406 |
No Late FeesSoon we will no longer charge late fees for class package invoices that are overdue, but currently there is a $10 late fee per week over due. Instead, if an invoice is overdue and a student attends a class, that class will be charged as a single class and an invoice will be sent out immediately upon attending the class. The previously automated class package invoice that was due can still be paid or the parents can continue at the single class rate. We will be unable to delete the single class invoice; that invoice should be paid. Late fees will apply to single class invoices at a rate of $10 per day overdue. Once the invoice with the bulk classes has been paid, the student will no longer be charged on an individual class basis. |
Trial Classes So that you and your child(ren) can experience what our art classes have to offer, a noncommital first class can be scheduled for the Art Quest Program, which covers many different art techniques and mediums. The trial class is free if the student decides not to join. This allows you the freedom to try without obligation. If they decide to join, then the trial class is considered the first class. Free trial classes do not apply to our advanced art programs. |
Scheduling Students are taught individually even though they are in small groups, resulting in many scheduling benefits to you and your child. For example, this allows students to start classes when ever they feel they are ready to. Also they can switch class day and times seamlessly since the curriculum is dependent upon your child’s progress and not on the other students or assigned teachers. To set the initial day and time, use the registration form to select your class. Other benefits include:
Our members can pause classes between sessions or by freezing their account once a year. Because we are a year round art academy, and not a semester based one, students have more flexibility for their schedule and their lessons. |
Paired by Age Students are grouped by age in small teacher to student ratios. Age bracket 5-8 We recognize that children of this age range need lots of one on one attention for their developing minds and insatiable curiosity. By being taught individually in small classes, we can cut classes while maintaining the highest standards possible Age bracket 9-11 Children of this age range are more self sufficient, becoming concerned with socializing and fitting in, and now more aware of their talent or lack of talent in differing subject matters. It’s important at this age that art remains fun, educational, disciplined, but not damaging their developing awareness of self. Age bracket 12 & Up Adolescents of this age range are highly capable of focusing on their work and delighting in their concentration. At this age they are highly aware of what they enjoy doing and no longer seeking as much social praise from their peers. Students in this range have serious issues to start focusing on that will determine their future. Regarding art, that could be an art portfolio for an art college or university whether their major is art related or not. It could also include competing in art contests, or developing the habits of success such as completing a project that they’ve begun. |
Class Credits When a guardian purchases a class package for their students, they have the option of purchasing 4 class credits or 12 class credits. Class credits are used when a student attends their class time or when they no longer have any more excused absences on their account and do not attend their class. To avoid losing a class credit, guardians and students should be sure to not go over their allotted excused absences on their account. *We do eventually hope that guardians will be able to choose the amount of class credits to purchase in bulk |
Scheduling a Make Up You should schedule a make up class if you have any make-up credits on your account. You can see if you have any on your attendance photos. You may schedule a make-up class on a day other than your regularly scheduled class days although this is dependent on availability and cannot be ensured that there is space Please text your studio location with your request for a make-up day and we will coordinate with you to complete your request or offer other alternatives. |
Profile Pages Each student at Oam Studios Art Academy recieves an online profile page that stores their account information, awards and achievements. Account Information The profile pages are super convenient for parents for several reasons:
Progress Reports On the student's profile page, guardians can quickly see their child's progress by referring to a progress wheel that depicts the percentage of the current project completed Students also will let the teacher and parent know how they feel about the current project or studio by selecting an emoji that represents their feelings. Their profile page also has behavior bars which indicate how well they are seated, concentrated, hand raising, and cleanliness. Activity Walls We update guardians by posting current progress images and critiques on the students activity walls tab Parents can ask for an update any time but we will also automatically do so when students hit certain progress percentages Parents and other members can comment on the posts or make their own posts to encourage community conversations Portfolio Tab Each student will have their art work uploaded to their portfolio tab with a custom critique Guradians and students can look back at their progress and share it with their friends and family Levels Tab Click on the levels tab from the students profile page to view all the levels of our curriculum The OamieMon creatures display in color when a student has competed that level and earned their OamieMon creature. Click on the OamieMon creatures for more information about the levels and for story information regarding the mythology. |
Oamoji Awards Art students earn several digital awards that can be traded in for physical or digital gifts 💸 For the completion of each level, students earn art money that can be spent by the student at our student stores online or in person 🧁 class cup cakes are gifted by the art teachers randomly and after 4 are collected, they become teachers apples. 4🧁 = 1💸 + 1🍎 🍎 teacher apples are earned when the student shows the very best behavior improvement of their class. 4🍎 = 1💸 + 1💎 💎 digital diamonds for being the absolute best behavec student in the whole class. 6💎 = 5💸 + 1👑 👑 class crowns are accumulated by earning 6 digital diamonds. Each crown means a visit to the art store. Gathering oamjoji awards result in more art money and higher student status. Behavior Oamojis In order to spend their earned art money, students must earn all 4 Behavior Oamojis. 🪑 The chair oamoji is earned by remaining at their seat and asking for permission to leave the table 👁 The eye oamoji is earned by concentratiing on their art project and resisting the temptations of distraction 🖐 The hand oamoji is earned when a student consistenly raises their hand and asks for permission to speak 🧼 The soap oamoji is earned when a student keeps their space organize, cleans up after themselves, and helps the teacher and classmates maintain a clean and safe studio space Competition Oamojis Additionally, student can earn more art moeny and oamojis by competing in art competitions. 🍄 The mushroom oamoji is easily earned just by participating in any online art competition. 🍄 = 5💸 + 1🧁 🌷 The flower oamoji can be earned by participating in an in-person competition and participating in the award ceremony by at least attending. 🌷 = 10💸 + 1🍎 ⭐️ The star oamji is earned when the student places second or third in any art compettiion. ⭐️ = 25💸 + 1💎 🏆 The trophy oamji is earned when a student places first in any art competition and is highly coveted. 🏆 = 50💸 + 1👑 Leveling Up Character Oamojis 🧖 After completing a level, a student is classed as an artist type. Students can multiclass depending on the way they conduct themselves as an artist during their projects 👩🚀 Art Astronauts are very intelligent and use science and math for making their art work super precise. More importantly though, there in the piazza remains a fountain named Fonte Gaia which is secretly known amongst artists as the final gateway to becoming a Master Artist. 🦸♂️ Art Heroes are very social and talkative. This can be helpful to their classmates when they focus their social skills on helping their art teacher and classmates discuss art and solving art problems. 🥷 Art Ninjas are very silent and private when they work. Art Ninjas rarely ever distract their fellow students but they have to be really careful to not be too shy. 🧙♂️ Art Wizards are very imaginative and creative students. They see the world as a magical place without limits and art allows them to explore their mystical ideas. |
© Copyright 2014 by Oam - Made With In Pleasanton by Omar Morineau+
Choose your art studio*
Student's Age Bracket*
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Thank you for applying to Oam Studios Art Academy for your children's pottery lessons.
We will review your registration and respond back to you shortly.
Thank you for your question!
Master Oamie is always trying to improve your experience at our website and at the art schools.
He will review your question and respond back to you quickly.
Unleash your creativity and compete with other talented artists in our art competitions. This is your chance to shine and have your work recognized.
To participate, register through our platform and submit your artwork before the deadline. Be sure to review the competition guidelines for specific details.
Art competitions provide a fantastic opportunity to gain exposure, receive feedback from professionals, and build confidence in your artistic journey. Celebrate creativity and push the boundaries of your imagination!
If your child is participating in a competition we’re not hosting, we are here to support them in preparing for their project. Our instructors will guide them with resources, feedback, and encouragement to ensure they’re set up for success.
And if they win, we’d be delighted to attend the award ceremony to show our support and celebrate their achievement together!
If you have questions or need assistance with your submission, our team is here to support you every step of the way. Don't hesitate to contact us.
We understand that life can be unpredictable, and you may need to miss a class. Our Pre-Absence policy allows students to inform us ahead of time about their absence to make appropriate accommodations.
To schedule an absence, simply notify us at least 24 hours in advance. This allows us to adjust class materials and schedules as needed.
Advance notice helps us manage resources efficiently and ensures other students can continue their learning without disruptions. It also helps us maintain the quality of education and classroom environment.
If you need assistance with scheduling a pre-absence, please reach out to our team. We're here to help make the process smooth and easy for you.
At Oam Studios Art Academy, we operate under a no-refund policy. This policy ensures fairness and consistency for all students and families.
Due to the nature of our art classes, supplies, and reserved slots, all purchases are considered final. This allows us to plan resources effectively and maintain a high-quality learning experience for everyone.
If you have questions about this policy or wish to discuss specific concerns, please feel free to contact us. We are here to assist and ensure the best possible experience for our students.
Our class durations are thoughtfully designed to align with the age and attention span of the students, ensuring an optimal learning experience.
For younger students aged 4–8, classes are typically 50 minutes, providing a balance of focus and creativity. Older students and adults benefit from longer sessions of 90–120 minutes, allowing for in-depth exploration of techniques and projects.
We offer a range of time slots to accommodate various schedules. Whether you prefer a weekday evening or a weekend afternoons, we have options to fit your families routines.
Specialized sessions, such as portfolio preparation or advanced technique workshops, may have extended durations to cover more content and practice time.
For longer classes, short breaks are included to ensure students stay engaged throughout the session and have some needed socializing with peers.
Thank you for applying to Oam Studios Art Academy for your children's art lessons.
We will review your registration and respond back to you shortly.
Teacher Student Ratios | |
Age Bracket | Ratios |
4 - 8 | 1:5 |
9 - 11 | 1:10 |
12 & up | 1:12 |
Grouping Students
Students are taught individually while being in a group setting. Students are grouped together by age, not by skill level.
Each student will be working on different assignments based on their placement in our curriculum and also based on the student’s preference on the subject matter.
There is no formal critiquing between students unless they are in the Studio Art Class.
One-on-One art classes provide a tailored experience focusing on individual needs. These classes offer a personalized approach for students who may require more focused attention or specialized instruction.
For students with special needs, One-on-One classes offer a supportive environment tailored to their specific requirements. These sessions ensure a pace that accommodates various abilities, with personalized strategies for success.
Neurodivergent students benefit from One-on-One art classes through adapted teaching methods that align with their unique learning styles. These classes focus on creating an inclusive and understanding space.
One-on-One art classes for adults provide an opportunity to explore artistic passions with individual attention. These sessions are designed to cater to the unique interests and skill levels of adult learners.
Group art classes offer social, sharing, and financial benefits. Students should be well-mannered and avoid disruptive behavior.
In some cases, art students may require one-on-one lessons instead of group lessons, particularly for special needs or neurodivergence.
Students interested in group classes must be able to:
1. Work independently for short periods after instruction.
2. Stay focused during class, even when teachers are assisting other students.
3. Follow the curriculum and communicate their ideas effectively to teachers.
4. Remain seated throughout class time.
At Oam Studios, art projects are allotted a time limit of 12 classes. After this, parents can decide if their child should continue the project at the studio or complete it at home. Completed projects should be returned to the studio for credit.
We emphasize quality over quantity and precision over speed. Students first practice on worksheets before applying their new skills to their final projects. Putting time into their art projects ensures that a student focuses on mastering techniques rather than rushing through multiple low-quality pieces.
Oam Studios Art Academy currently offers three payment plans to choose from.
Tuition is based on the student's age bracket and the chosen class plan.
Purchasing a larger number of classes results in greater savings.
Art supplies are provided for our art projects, except for special projects that students bring to the studio.
These may include competitions, school assignments, or other personal projects.
Additional exceptions may apply to adult or advanced classes.
There is a $50 registration fee per student or a $25 registration fee per sibling.
All sales are final, and refunds are not available.
Many art schools require parents to run around purchasing art supplies that they know little about.
Worst is when they force you to purchase the art supplies from them at a marked up price!
At Oam Studios Art Academy, we provide all the supplies to the student, allowing more free time to the parents and less hassle.
As the artist, we know quality of supply needed for each project and provide what works best.
In somecases we will not be able to provide the art supplies.
For example, many of our students have school assignments that they would like to work on during their class time or a competition that they are signing up for.
There are some exceptions such as paint, brushes or pencils in which case they can readily use.
It is best to ask us before assuming.
You may need to freeze your child’s account.
Freezing is necessary when your child will be absent for an extended period due to a vacation or emergency.
Note: There’s no need to freeze accounts during the studio’s holiday breaks.
Accounts can be frozen for absences a minimum of one month, ensuring that class credits remain intact during the absence.
Students absent for one to three classes should not have their account frozen.
Text your art studio and let them know you would like to freeze your account, or do so by signing into your account on the site and clicking on your child's settings and clicking the freeze account toggle.
When an account is frozen, the student is removed from their scheduled class time.
Classes can be rescheduled after unfreezing the account, but previous class times or days may not be available.
How to Reach UsWe are happy to assist you! However, as we are often busy teaching, we kindly ask that you contact us via text message or email for non-emergency inquiries. By using text and email, we will have written record of your request which allows us to form a queue that allows us to respond to your messages more efficiently. Are administrative hours are typically before and at the end of our school day. PleasantonEmail: Text Message: (925) 989-4756 Phone Calls: (925) 989-4756 TracyEmail: Text Message: (209) 640-4406 Phone Calls: (209) 640-4406 |
No Late FeesSoon we will no longer charge late fees for class package invoices that are overdue, but currently there is a $10 late fee per week over due. Instead, if an invoice is overdue and a student attends a class, that class will be charged as a single class and an invoice will be sent out immediately upon attending the class. The previously automated class package invoice that was due can still be paid or the parents can continue at the single class rate. We will be unable to delete the single class invoice; that invoice should be paid. Late fees will apply to single class invoices at a rate of $10 per day overdue. Once the invoice with the bulk classes has been paid, the student will no longer be charged on an individual class basis. |
Trial Classes So that you and your child(ren) can experience what our art classes have to offer, a noncommital first class can be scheduled for the Art Quest Program, which covers many different art techniques and mediums. The trial class is free if the student decides not to join. This allows you the freedom to try without obligation. If they decide to join, then the trial class is considered the first class. Free trial classes do not apply to our advanced art programs. |
Scheduling Students are taught individually even though they are in small groups, resulting in many scheduling benefits to you and your child. For example, this allows students to start classes when ever they feel they are ready to. Also they can switch class day and times seamlessly since the curriculum is dependent upon your child’s progress and not on the other students or assigned teachers. To set the initial day and time, use the registration form to select your class. Other benefits include:
Our members can pause classes between sessions or by freezing their account once a year. Because we are a year round art academy, and not a semester based one, students have more flexibility for their schedule and their lessons. |
Paired by Age Students are grouped by age in small teacher to student ratios. Age bracket 5-8 We recognize that children of this age range need lots of one on one attention for their developing minds and insatiable curiosity. By being taught individually in small classes, we can cut classes while maintaining the highest standards possible Age bracket 9-11 Children of this age range are more self sufficient, becoming concerned with socializing and fitting in, and now more aware of their talent or lack of talent in differing subject matters. It’s important at this age that art remains fun, educational, disciplined, but not damaging their developing awareness of self. Age bracket 12 & Up Adolescents of this age range are highly capable of focusing on their work and delighting in their concentration. At this age they are highly aware of what they enjoy doing and no longer seeking as much social praise from their peers. Students in this range have serious issues to start focusing on that will determine their future. Regarding art, that could be an art portfolio for an art college or university whether their major is art related or not. It could also include competing in art contests, or developing the habits of success such as completing a project that they’ve begun. |
Class Credits When a guardian purchases a class package for their students, they have the option of purchasing 4 class credits or 12 class credits. Class credits are used when a student attends their class time or when they no longer have any more excused absences on their account and do not attend their class. To avoid losing a class credit, guardians and students should be sure to not go over their allotted excused absences on their account. *We do eventually hope that guardians will be able to choose the amount of class credits to purchase in bulk |
Scheduling a Make Up You should schedule a make up class if you have any make-up credits on your account. You can see if you have any on your attendance photos. You may schedule a make-up class on a day other than your regularly scheduled class days although this is dependent on availability and cannot be ensured that there is space Please text your studio location with your request for a make-up day and we will coordinate with you to complete your request or offer other alternatives. |
Profile Pages Each student at Oam Studios Art Academy recieves an online profile page that stores their account information, awards and achievements. Account Information The profile pages are super convenient for parents for several reasons:
Progress Reports On the student's profile page, guardians can quickly see their child's progress by referring to a progress wheel that depicts the percentage of the current project completed Students also will let the teacher and parent know how they feel about the current project or studio by selecting an emoji that represents their feelings. Their profile page also has behavior bars which indicate how well they are seated, concentrated, hand raising, and cleanliness. Activity Walls We update guardians by posting current progress images and critiques on the students activity walls tab Parents can ask for an update any time but we will also automatically do so when students hit certain progress percentages Parents and other members can comment on the posts or make their own posts to encourage community conversations Portfolio Tab Each student will have their art work uploaded to their portfolio tab with a custom critique Guradians and students can look back at their progress and share it with their friends and family Levels Tab Click on the levels tab from the students profile page to view all the levels of our curriculum The OamieMon creatures display in color when a student has competed that level and earned their OamieMon creature. Click on the OamieMon creatures for more information about the levels and for story information regarding the mythology. |
Oamoji Awards Art students earn several digital awards that can be traded in for physical or digital gifts 💸 For the completion of each level, students earn art money that can be spent by the student at our student stores online or in person 🧁 class cup cakes are gifted by the art teachers randomly and after 4 are collected, they become teachers apples. 4🧁 = 1💸 + 1🍎 🍎 teacher apples are earned when the student shows the very best behavior improvement of their class. 4🍎 = 1💸 + 1💎 💎 digital diamonds for being the absolute best behavec student in the whole class. 6💎 = 5💸 + 1👑 👑 class crowns are accumulated by earning 6 digital diamonds. Each crown means a visit to the art store. Gathering oamjoji awards result in more art money and higher student status. Behavior Oamojis In order to spend their earned art money, students must earn all 4 Behavior Oamojis. 🪑 The chair oamoji is earned by remaining at their seat and asking for permission to leave the table 👁 The eye oamoji is earned by concentratiing on their art project and resisting the temptations of distraction 🖐 The hand oamoji is earned when a student consistenly raises their hand and asks for permission to speak 🧼 The soap oamoji is earned when a student keeps their space organize, cleans up after themselves, and helps the teacher and classmates maintain a clean and safe studio space Competition Oamojis Additionally, student can earn more art moeny and oamojis by competing in art competitions. 🍄 The mushroom oamoji is easily earned just by participating in any online art competition. 🍄 = 5💸 + 1🧁 🌷 The flower oamoji can be earned by participating in an in-person competition and participating in the award ceremony by at least attending. 🌷 = 10💸 + 1🍎 ⭐️ The star oamji is earned when the student places second or third in any art compettiion. ⭐️ = 25💸 + 1💎 🏆 The trophy oamji is earned when a student places first in any art competition and is highly coveted. 🏆 = 50💸 + 1👑 Leveling Up Character Oamojis 🧖 After completing a level, a student is classed as an artist type. Students can multiclass depending on the way they conduct themselves as an artist during their projects 👩🚀 Art Astronauts are very intelligent and use science and math for making their art work super precise. More importantly though, there in the piazza remains a fountain named Fonte Gaia which is secretly known amongst artists as the final gateway to becoming a Master Artist. 🦸♂️ Art Heroes are very social and talkative. This can be helpful to their classmates when they focus their social skills on helping their art teacher and classmates discuss art and solving art problems. 🥷 Art Ninjas are very silent and private when they work. Art Ninjas rarely ever distract their fellow students but they have to be really careful to not be too shy. 🧙♂️ Art Wizards are very imaginative and creative students. They see the world as a magical place without limits and art allows them to explore their mystical ideas. |